Cindy Ripley, a nationally recognized educational consultant, is known for her hands-on and high-energy approach to make musical theater come alive for teachers and students alike. Seemingly everywhere, Cindy wears a multitude of hats; she can be found advising a teacher in Thailand about costume ideas for “Guys and Dolls Jr.” on MTI Shows support, piloting new educational materials with kids as the Master Teacher of iTheatrics in NYC, presenting teacher intensive workshops around the country, or consulting with principals and teachers at National Education Conferences on how to unify their communities- at -large using musical theater as the vehicle.
Cindy combines 33 years of experience as a music educator in the classroom and on the stage with boundless enthusiasm and unparalleled expertise. She understands all aspects of successful team building: kids of all ages, the first year teacher to the veteran director, parents, community organizations and administrators. Her work has partnered with such organizations as the President’s Committee on Arts and Humanities, Turnaround Arts, The Educational Theatre Association and the Kennedy Center. She is the proud co-author of The iTheatrics Method: The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs, published by GIA Publications.
Cindy fervently believes that all individuals are inherently creative. Her passion for excellence is her trademark as she celebrates the spirit within all of us.

Consultant for
Music and Theatre Arts, CRts Inc.
164 Union Street
Hamburg, NY 14075